Employment Law
Employment Law

Pbel Blog

Sick Leave – Bad Employers and Bad Employees

Can you be disciplined for being sick, genuinely sick that is? An employee who worked for a large New Zealand company was sacked during a probationary period because his sick leave record showed he was a risk despite the fact that he had been genuinely …

Pawternity leave: A new trend in leave entitlements

Welcoming a new pet into your home isn’t always easy. It takes time, effort and energy to get your new “fur baby” settled in. In fact, some would say that owning a puppy can be similar to the early stages of parenthood: stressful, exhausting and …

The latest from the YELL Facebook page

Retail chain Smiths City has been ordered to pay its employees for unpaid pre-work meetings in a decision with wide-ranging ramifications for employers. For at least 15 years, every Smiths City store in the country has held a meeting of sales staff for 15 minutes every morning, …

The case of the cow and the Judge

It is common to hear employers say that when it comes to dismissing staff the law is stacked against them and they need to be a bloody lawyer just to get things right. Judges pronounce that it is not for them to determine whether they …

No Win No Fee – Is it really that simple?

Some firms are advertising that they will only charge you if they are successful. is it really that simple? The big questions for you are what will they charge you if you win and what will you have to pay if you lose? Some of …

90 day trial period is a legal minefield

If employers have not complied strictly with the law, they will be exposed to claims of unfair dismissal and in all but a few cases will lose. This warning was given on 26 August 2010 by the Chief Judge in Smith v Stokes Valley Pharmacy …

Beware of offers for unpaid work trials

Unpaid pre-employment work trials are common in many industries but they do not necessary free employers from the obligations of our employment law. Randi Westphal, local business woman and Director of The Salad Bowl, one of Nelson’s newest and healthiest café, found this out at …

Resigning without Notice – Forfeiture of Wages or Withholding Final Pay

Most employment agreements say that should an employee fail to give notice they will forfeit pay equivalent to the notice period: But both parties should be clear about the dangers if this kind of situation arises, for the devil is in the details as Judge …

Who are Sacked Kiwi?

Sacked Kiwi are the latest no win no fee provider to start operating in the employment law market but who are they? They say they are New Zealand’s leading Employee Advocacy service. They claim they have employment experts in Christchurch and have worked tirelessly throughout the industry …

Mediated settlements are confidential

Most employees who raise a personal grievance will end up in Mediation. If they have a case then they and their employer probably will reach agreement that will require the employer to pay them some money. The agreement will be confidential which means that the …
