Employment Law
Employment Law


Have you been unfairly dismissed or victimised through workplace bullying? We can help. The most difficult aspect of employment can be the relationships you have with your employer and other people you work with.  Most employees rely on friends and family to help them manage problems that arise. We are here to help you do this particularly when you feel it is escalating and unable to be controlled or your employer is intending to take action against you.

Employment Agreements

Before you start a new job you should have received the intended employment agreement, been given a reasonable opportunity to get advice before signing it, and advised that you are entitled to get independent advice about it.

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“She told me I didn’t need an employment agreement”


Unfair Dismissal

Two things we hear frequently are “The company is trying to push me out” and “They are trying to dismiss me”.

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“The company is trying to push me out”



Almost wthout exception people agree that workplace bullying is unacceptable but they find it difficult to draw the line between justifiable criticism fairly made and bullying.

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“I thought he was just a bastard until I read about bullying on the web.”

Workplace stress

Workplace Stress

A work-life balance is crucial to good health. Long working hours brought about by career aspirations, a commitment to the business, or unreasonable expectations can cause panic attacks, anxiety, indecision and an inability to function at home and at work.

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“I’m stressed and can’t cope anymore”

Sexual harassment

Sexual Harassment

“He looked me up and down, tapped me on my bottom with his hand, said how good I looked and changed his clothes in front of me“.  The girl was 14. She had just started her first after-school job. She described feeling embarrassed and awkward when it first happened and as it continued she felt scared.

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“She worried her parent would not believe her but it became so distressing she had to tell them”



While most employees will face restructuring and redundancy during their working life, they often feel that the decision is personal and has little to do with genuine commercial needs and the law.

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“This restructuring is a sham.”

Personal grievance

Personal Grievances and Complaints

The decision to raise a personal grievance or complaint is serious and should be made with care after receiving appropriate professional advice.

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“My friends tell me I have a personal grievance”